2 part treble, piano, drum, body percussion
Commissioned by Minneapolis Public Schools in honor of Dr. Bernedeia Johnson and her service to our students.
Choral score
$1.60 per copy (you are buying a digital license)
Text and Translation:
Bahihii waaliidkay dhaqay
Biyihii Ceerigaaboodeey
Baxsan Daalaheediiyeey
Bilcaneey Calmadow culaneey
Beri mudan bil Soomaaleey
Boggay igaga taalleey
Bisinkee bilicda lagu aragyoo
Belaayada laga xijaabaayee
Haddaba buugga iyo waxbarashada
Bustena ugu dhiga ha bogatee
Beledsame bil Minasoota ah
Beryo samo ku joognaaeey
- Ahmed Ismail Yusuf
My parents’ origin land
Ceerigaabo’s unique spring water
The marvelous, main Daalo landscape
The gorgeous evergreen Cal-madow
And Somali’s peaceful past
These are in my heart and hold it firm
In the name of the gracefully affirmed
Who guards against all ill will
With books of all knowledge
Surround our students and give comfort.
But we are safe in Minnesota now
Safe and sound as a soul in a house could be
- Translation by Ahmed Ismail Yusuf