EMPTY (2012)
TB, piano, opt. djembe
Written for the 2012-2013 Young Men’s Commissioning Consortium
Choral score
$1.60 per copy (you are buying a digital license)
I wanted so badly to be good.
I wanted everything to turn out right
in the end. I wanted to go to heaven.
Whatever I thought I should lose,
I lost; whatever the cost,
I paid it. Nothing was too much.
I worked hard at letting go; I
learned the art of denial. Wine
turned into water, bread to stone.
I was the bone singing in the desert,
the gate swinging on its hinge;
I was the bell ringing and ringing.
- Joyce Sutphen, “Empty” from Naming the Stars. Copyright © 2004 by Joyce Sutphen. Used by permission of The Permissions Company, Inc,. on behalf of Holy Cow! Press, www.holycowpress.org. All rights reserved worldwide.