SATB, 4-hand piano
Commissioned by the Foundation for Eden Prairie Schools for the Eden Prairie
School District Secondary Choirs. World Premiere January 13, 2014
Choral score
$1.60 per copy (you are buying a digital license)
I am the flash of sun on water.
I am the clash of battle swords.
I am the teeth in the sea-shark’s mouth.
I am the blood of wild beasts.
I am the fire in the witch’s hearth.
I am the evening sky ablaze–
The red of serpents’ tongues,
The black of deepest night.
I am a mare that knows no reins.
I thread the stars across the sky.
I am the kiss of lovers’ lips.
I am the mortar and the stone.
I am the song of my homeland.
I am the wind on the sea
I am the bow of every ship.
I am the ocean waves.
I am the foam upon the sea.
I am a lake on a plain.
I am the green of the fairest hill.
I am dewdrop, a tear of the sun.
I am a lily on a still pond.
I am the heir of harmony.
I am a word of skill.
I am the silence of things secret.
I am the roar of the sea.
I am a bull of seven fights.
I am a hawk on a cliff.
I rove the hills, a ravening boar.
I am lightning that blasts the trees.
I am thunder on the mountains.
I am a God that fashions fire for a head.
I am a dragon that eats the sky.
I thread the stars across the sky.
I am the kiss of lovers’ lips.
I am the mortar and the stone.
I am the song of my homeland.
- from “Amergin and Cessair,” Traditional
- adapted by Michael Meade and Erica Helm Meade
Used with permission.