SATB, organ, opt. brass ensemble
To the Chancel Choir, Gary R. Schwartzhoff, Director of Music, at the First Congregational
United Church of Christ, Eau Claire, Wisconsin, Rev. Dr. Mark Pirazzini, minister
Choral score
$1.60 per copy (you are buying a digital license)
Full Score and Parts
$10.00 (digital pdf)
Julia’s poem, written specifically for this piece, paints a beautiful picture of how we recognize. We recognize light, we recognize love. We recognize an individual deed just as we recgonize the warmth of a community. We reconize that faith and love always surround us, and have surrounded us through the years.
- Timothy C. Takach, 2015
Sunday morning, here we are
palms open, hearts ready
all a part of god’s body
all a voice in the choir
in the exultation
of our song.
Recognition is as simple
as the lighting
of a candle
one small flame
and its soft glow
all the proof
of your love
of your presence
that we need.
Solid as wood
is your love’s timber
When we take the time
When we take a closer look
we see ring after ring
of love, circling,
reminding us of our history
through the stories and the ages
through the glory and the pain
you and love are always with us,
you and joy,
one and the same.
- Julia Klatt Singer (Used with permission.)