SSAATTBB a cappella
Commissioned by Commissioned by by the Rhodes Singers of Rhodes College
Dr. William Skoog, Director.
Choral score
$1.60 per copy (you are buying a digital license)
(Kui tume veel kauaks ka sinu maa...)
(Though your country be dark for a long time...)
Tule, öö pimedus,
Come, night’s darkness,
võta mind sülle!
gather me to your lap!
Minu päike ei tunne mind,
My sun doesn’t recognize me,
öö jäänd mulle.
the night is left to me.
Ainust tähte sääl pole,
There’s not a single star,
minul on kole.
I am in fear.
Varja mu üle.
Cover me.
Kui tume veel kauaks ka sinu maa,
Though your country be dark for a long time,
Täht süttib ehk taevas su üle veel.
Still a star may glitter in the sky above you.
Though your country be dark for a long time
and your burden heavy to bear,
though you never reach, never reach
the blue shore of your desires.
Still a star may glitter in the sky above you,
still a flower may blossom over your grave,
and your thought and your mind
one day pulse from the breast of your kindred
and move and create and spread
and lay beautiful roads;
it will build the house of your kindred
and echo from one generation to the next.
- from “My Psalm” and “Though Your Country Be Dark For a Long Time” by Juhan Liiv (1864-1913), trans. by Jüri Talvet and H. L. Hix
- Used with permission.